Using In-App Temporary Email
How to get your in-app inbox for getting emails and testing email flows
AutoFlow Studio provides a temporary email to every organisation. You can use this email to test user journeys that include some form of email interaction. A very common example is Registration flow.
How to generate random email
1. Click on the ‘Inbox’ button at the bottom toolbar.
2. Click on ‘Generate Email’
How to use the generated email
The in-app email is unique and can receive emails. You can open the mails within it.
Recording an Email Step
You can check and pick up content from emails in your tests. Even if they are randomized. When the test runs, AutoFlow Studio will go to that email ID to fetch the data. Eg. Verification link
Here’s an example of how you can use AutoFlow Studio’s in-app email to fetch the verification email, pick up the verification link and then navigate to that link to complete the registeration journey.
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